Sunday, July 17, 2011

Public debt in 10 richest countries

This is public debt in 10 richest countries as Yahoo news / AFP said :

                                                   GDP nominal in     Public debt      Population        Rule system
                                                   billions $                  % of GDP          in millions

1. United States                                  15.227                 98,30                   311,76         Republic
2. People' s Republic of China :       6.516                  16,50               1.345,16        Communist
3. Japan                                                 5.822                233,20                   127,38        Monarchy
4. Germany                                           3.519                  82,30                     82,10 *    Republic            
5. France                                                2.751                  84,80                    65,82         Republic
6. Britain                                               2.472                  82,90                    62,04         Monarchy
7. Brazil                                                 2.422                  65,60                  194,95          Republic 
8. Italy                                                   2.181                120,60                    60,92 *       Republic
9. Russia                                                1.894                  11,40                   141,93          Socialist
10. Canada                                            1.737                  82,70                     34,52          Monarchy

* is Estimate

All of them is G 20 countries member, G 20 is The group of twenty finance Ministers and central Bank Governors from 20 major economies, 19 countries + European Union / EU.
GDP = Gross Domestic Product or often considered an indicator standard of living.

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